Friday, April 24, 2015

What’s wrong with UHURU/ RUTO’s Govt? Here is another scandal that will rob us more than 1.5b

Even with the recent purge on corruption by President Uhuru Kenyatta that has seen 1/3 of his Cabinet sent packing and several other senior Government officials interdicted, the ghost still haunts the Jubilee administration.

Pressure is mounting on the Government, through the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), to pay a whopping sh1.5 billion for the supply of election kits which were never delivered.

Sources intimated that some brokers, led by a prominent Jubilee MP from North Eastern and a cartel of officials from the Treasury, want IEBC Chief Executive Officer, Ezra Chiloba, to pay Equip Agencies Ltd sh 1.53 billion for the supply of Universal Polling Kits (UPK), which according to the Auditor General, Edward Ouko, were never delivered.

A special audit report for the 2013 elections dated June 2014 established that out of the 34, 000 kits that were to be delivered before elections, Equip Agencies only delivered 5, 000 one year after the polls.

But even with the damning report, IEBC has been slapped with a sh1.5 billion bill and Chiloba is now under pressure from some corrupt officials in Government and a prominent politician to pay the money because the contract still stands even after elections.

“The IEBC Secretariat is being pushed to process the payment even with the damning audit findings. Powerful forces within IEBC and Treasury are insisting the contract still holds and he must pay,” said one of the senior members of IEBC who refused to be named.

SEE UWhat RAILA secretly told UHURU in Kisumu on Tuesday about 2017 - You will be SHOCKED

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has asked CORD supporters to take ID cards and register as voters in large numbers to ensure he wins the 2017 General Election by hook or crook.

Addressing Gor Mahia fans at Kenyatta Grounds in Kisumu when he launched the team’s new brand of bread, Raila said the only way to send President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, to the Opposition in 2017 is by registering as voters in large numbers to give CORD the tyranny of numbers.

He fired a warning salvo at Jubilee telling Uhuru/ Ruto to prepare for a fierce battle in 2017 because this time he must win no matter what.

The former PM revealed that he secretly told President Kenyatta when they shared the podium in Kisumu on Tuesday that the 2017 campaigns will be like no other and that he should come prepared to lose and be ready to hand over power to him.

“I told Uhuru at the Devolution Conference that I will give him a run for is money in 2017. He better take that advice or else he will have himself to blame after I occupy State House,” Raila told his supporters amid cheers.

“Uhuru/ Ruto had better be worried because the kind of politics that we have started for 2017 is the kind that has never been seen in this country. They should know that our destination is State House,” he added.

See the punishment these two IDIOTS were given for stealing a sheep… Eh! Eh!

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Drama unfolded at Fidel's Bondo  Home after a woman claiming to be legal wife of the late Fidel Odinga ’ was locked out of the house.

The woman identified as Grace Kamau  and her son  Erick  Otieno, 9, and some relatives were barred from the compound

She protested that she was the late Fidel’s legal wife and had every right . She said that she has been harassed and doesnt like that . " Why are they trying to hide the truth ? " She paused

She said: “I have been married for 7 years to Fidel Odinga ’. We have one child , Erick who wants to see his father buried in peace. Let it be known that I am not his girlfriend but his legal wife.

Fidels  wife  was inside the house  during the fracas but walked out with some family members


Kenyan Live Feed has established that is is Kalonzo Musyoka who planned the heckling of Charity Ngilu at Fidel's Funeral. According to our sources, Kalonzo paid Boda Boda operators 300 shillings each and told them to heckle Ngilu once she started speaking.
    Our sources have revealed that the money was paid through secret emissaries  with an aim of embarrassing Ngilu who has had a long political beef with Kalonzo. Ngilu and Kalonzo dont see eye to eye and at one time Ngilu refused to Greet him during a public holiday celebrations.
   Our sources have also revealed that there are plans by Kalonzo to start  propaganda using recent land stabbings all   over the country to finish Ngilu politically . Stay with us for more updates


Perhaps  she saw this coming but she insisted attending the funeral . The worst thing with Luos is that some of these guys will never learn, each  day, they perfect their art of stone throwing and heckling people who dont agree with their Baba both politically and ideologically .
  If you remember very well, Ngilu was a member of the pentagon but fell out with Raila. In 2013, she ganged up with Uhuru and Ruto when she predicted that Tyranny of numbers was going to favor them.
When Jubilee won, she was made Lands CS . This was betrayal according to the Luo people who wanted her to die with Baba and probably languish in political cold instead of being an opportunist and serial political prostitute.
Today, at  Fidel Odinga's funeral, Ngilu has been Heckled by a crowd that shouted her down " Msaliti " It took the intervention of Raila to cool them down but they could hear none of this, she had to cut short her speech to bring the situation to normalcy.
Shame on Luos who heckled Ngilu, you will never learn.

Friday, January 9, 2015


As the reality keeps sinking in both to the Odinga's Family and Friends about the death of Fidel, many things are coming up amongst them what Fidel loved doing and what he stood up for in life . According to Fidel's friends, he at one time contemplated marrying Lillian Muli but stopped after Facing opposition from Family members and friends.
   According to Fidel's friends, Fidel Really loved Lillian Muli : They even used to  spend nights together but there is this thing the Odinga's didnt like about Lillian Muli. " Lillian Muli  is a notorious drunkard and cant  make a good, respectable and caring mother " Raila was overheard saying in a family meeting that was organised to deliberate on this case.
    Fidel tried to convince his parents all to no avail, not even Mama Ida who loved him dearly supported him in his quest to marry this media personality who now works for Citizen TV .Later on, Fidel had to dump Lillian Muli For Veronicah Nganga but their marriage was short-lived.
Why is everyone against Lillian Muli ?