Sunday, December 28, 2014

This is the letter to Hon Simba Arati every Kenyan wants to see

Mheshimiwa Simba Arati, we the people of Dagoreti North wish to thank you for your services to us. Ever since we sent you to the August House, you have always been august to us. We thank God for blessing us with such a wonderful and industrious leader. For sure, it feels us with a mesmerizing emotion we cannot express with words.

Sir, this letter is intended primarily to honor not only the personality, but also symbolize a great moral code – – the code of conduct and chivalry of a man who has jealously guarded our beloved constituency and its ancient decent.

Still at the infancy stage as a member of parliament, the projects initiated by you have already spoken. That is the animation of this appreciation epistle.

Strikingly, when you expressed your interest to lead the sophisticated people of Dagoreti, they believed in you. They saw a great and honest bloke in you, thus accepting your candidature. For the shortest time you have been at the helm of affairs, you’ve proved to be a rock in the middle of the ocean – the rock that does not fear rain.

When they harassed our senators, you nobly risked your being just to fortify them; an ideal that aroused a sense of pride and humility which will be with us invariably. Duty, selflessness and Servant-leadership, are the three hallowed rallying points that can reverently dictate your personality.

Sir, you have built courage where courage had seemed to fail. Thank you for regaining the faith that was once lost with the previous leadership. Thank you for creating hope for the valiant people of Dagoreti North – the hope that was forlorn at one time.

Mheshimiwa, we may possess neither the eloquence of diction, the poetry of imagination nor the brilliance of metaphor to be able to express to you the intensity of our gratitude. But sincerely, we do. Nonetheless, critics might say they are just but simple words, or a naive mantra, or just a damnable flamboyant phrase.

Mwesh, beware of pedants, demagogues, cynics, trouble makers and hypocrites who will try to downgrade your morale and noble activities to the extent of ridicule and mockery. Thank God you have already built your basic character. You have molded your future roles as a custodian of your constituents’ defense.

We thank God for critics who have made you strong enough to identify your weakness, brave enough to face yourself when you are troubled. By berating you, they have taught you to be unbending and proud in honest failure, to be gentle and humble in success. They have taught you not to substitute words for actions, not to seek the asylum in comfort but to take the bull by its horns by facing the spur and stress of challenge and difficulty.
By openly hurling oral stones at you, they have helped you learn to stand up against the tempest but be rich in compassion on the ones who fall. They have assisted you to master your ego before seeking to master the rest. They have helped you in acquiring a clean heart and a high goal.

They have helped you to learn how to laugh without forgetting how to weep. Through critics, you have learnt how to reach into the future without neglecting the past. You have learnt to be serious without taking yourself too seriously. You have learnt to be modest so as to remember the simplicity of true greatness.


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